Take a Quick Tour of Swanson Flo

Take a minute (54 seconds actually) to acquaint yourself with Swanson Flo, one of the Midwest's most innovative process control companies. For more information, visit www.SwansonFlo.com.

Swanson Flo Minnesota Office Linecard

Swanson Flo's Minnesota Sales Office linecard.

Swanson Flo Wisconsin Sales Office Linecard

Here is the 2016 linecard from Swanson Flo's Wisconsin Sales Office:

Tech Sales & Marketing Linecard ( A Swanson Flo Company)

Tech Sales & Marketing, Inc., now a Swanson Flo company, is a manufacturers' representative and distributor serving the state of Indiana, Southwest Ohio and Kentucky for over 4 decades. Below id their current linecard:

Welcome to the Swanson Flo Industrial Control and Valve Automation Blog

Swanson Flo Headquarters
Swanson Flo Headquarters,  Plymouth, MN
We're building this blog to provide people interested in process control instrumentation, measurement & control, and valve automation a place to learn about interesting applications, new products, and basic knowledge.

The markets we are attempting to educate are the powergen industry, mining, water and wastewater, agricultural, chemical, food & beverage, pharmaceutical and OEM.

We'll do our best to provide weekly posts to keep the blog fresh and informative, and a place you'll want to check back with regularly.

The world of industrial control is changing rapidly in the United States, partially due to rapidly changing technology, or environmental and legislative pressures. We hope to provide helpful information, based on current realities, that will help solve real world process control problems